
Before installing any connector it is recommended that you read the Connectors Overview page. All connectors follow common instructions for installation. The following information is specific to this connector.


The Overview includes a section on features for OPC Live Data sources.


This connector information applies to all flavors of the OPC Classic protocol, including OPC HDA and OPC DA.

Local Installation

  • We recommend installing OPC Classic connectors locally, that is, on the machine the data source resides on.
  • Installing an OPC DA connector requires that the OPC Classic .NET Redistributables are installed. Download and extract the zip file on the computer hosting the ThinkIQ Connector. These files can be extracted into the Documents folder for convenience.  

{slider=About Distributed Installation}

The OPC Classic protocol is built on a Microsoft technology called DCOM for communication between machines. As Microsoft has built more and more security into the operating system and because DCOM is gradually being deprecated, it has become challenging to configure for distributed environments. The steps to configure it vary enormously from organization to organization, considering the various the security policies and versions of Windows deployed. Using OPC classic in the distributed model - where the client and the server run separate machines - is left for the customer to deploy because they would require specific knowledge of their networking and how to configure DCOM in a way that's compliant with their corporate security policies. We cannot generically document this type of installation.



Installing OPC DA Connector

For an OPC DA connector, enter the OPC Server host and ProgID. For example,

server info

Click OK and continue with the common steps to complete the installation.