A record used to track the flow of materials. They are typically associated with a process ending at a specific instance of equipment.
Smart equipment that enables specific actions to occur including updating the Material Ledger. Implements the material aware interface.
Behavior on material aware equipment that allows it to intelligently participate in the Material Ledger.
An application with an interactive tool that displays the history of material movements through equipment and places during the manufacturing or logistics process.
A graphical representation of the Material Ledger which allows viewing and analyzing all inflows and outflows from any material account.
The time it takes material to move between two pieces of equipment that are connected by a Can Feed relationship.
Similar to a financial ledger, the Material Ledger tracks the movement of materials into an out of material accounts, which must balance over a defined period of time respecting a set of business rules and a set of conservation of mass and energy rules. It is populated when material movements are detected by the Feed Chain.
Automated material movement detection based on an equipment model with designated material accounts, implemented with Smart Equipment, and tied together with can-feed relationships.
A detailed account of the movements that caused the Feed Chain to determine a material movement opened and closed, and the steps in between.
An application that provides a stacked line chart of time series data for two attributes. This application's algorithms account for material flow time, and thus charts the two attributes with consideration of the physical delay caused because one process occurred earlier than the other.
Highest expected value of an attribute. The data is displayed as a dashed line in a Trend plot, or a gauge boundary line in the Trend grid, delineating the highest expected value of the attribute.