ThinkIQ Glossary of Terms

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Term Definition

Can-feed Relationship

A relationship between items in the model indicating that material in a piece of equipment flows to - or 'can-feed' - another piece of equipment, or area.


Categories are a hierarchical tool for grouping articles on the platform.


Class Script

Class Scripts are special Headless Scripts. They are placed on a Type and extend the types' abstract functionalities. Class scripts are PHP class definitions with a constructor, internal properties and methods. An example use case of a class script would be the computation of various machines health and utilization metrics - such logic would be placed best in a class script, since it will be available with any instance of that machine's type.

Cleaning Cycle

The period during which a manufacturing plant cleans equipment. Typically executed for one day per week and during which plant manufacturing activities are paused.

Composite Types

These types define characteristics and behavior of data from specific component parts that compose other equipment.

Config Value

User defined value which remains constant until the user specifically changes it. For example, a Geo Location on a Place is a config value and remains constant until changed.


Connectors run on-premise and collect data from a variety of sources such as Process Historians, Controllers, Smart Devices and databases.  Connectors pass the data they collect to a Gateway.

Content Management System (CMS)

content management system (CMS) is software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content.

Correlation Analyzer

An application that provides a scatter chart of two time-dependent process variables. This application addresses the issue of time delay (one process occuring after the other) by providing an offset feature.