Location where data being used originates from. In ThinkIQ there are three data sources: Dynamic, Config, and Expression.
The method of data storage in the platform. The methods are 'Static' and Time-Series'. Static data is not expected to change frequently, or at all. An example of static data is a geo-location. Updates to static data are recorded in the Audit Log. Time-series data can change very frequently and is stored in the platform time-series store - a specialized historian for platform data. An example of time-series data is a temperature reading on a machine, the capture of video images, or the opening of a purchase or sales order that is fulfilled at a later date.
Classification indicating how values are stored and represented, The system data are boolean, datetime, , float, geopoint, interger, interval, event object, string.
A user generated name for an attribute. The Internal Name for the same attribute is system-generated and is based on the Display Name.
Display Scripts are special Browser Scripts. They are created on a Type and then become the default visualization that is displayed with any instance of this type. A display script can be accessed in the Overview tab of an instance. Display scripts are also shown as a tab in the "View Details" page of an instance.
A component used to select a time period for operations or in applications such as Trend
In manufacturing terms, the “raw” data measured by sensors, recorded by historians and sent to ThinkIQ through the gateway and connector.