ThinkIQ Glossary of Terms

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Term Definition


A subset of data; queried using arguments such as resolution and number of data points. Gateways typically sample all data from a historian, however, ThinkIQ UIs and processes may often query for a smaller sample of the data.

Scheduled Script

A script created in the IDE that is scheduled using the Script Scheduler and executed by the Script Execution engine.


A daemon that executes the scheduled scripts defined/located in the Script Engine. Executes on the same web host as the customer site.


Executable code that can be written in the Mini IDE. Scripts can leverage existing templates and have several output types such as headless, browser, class and display scripts. The platform supports scripts written in Php, Python and SQL.

Script Engine

Feature that allows per-customer and unique attributes to be defined, calculated and stored / displayed. The calculations can run periodically or upon request, and can be stored back into, for example, a model created by the model editor.

Services Team

ThinkIQ team that interfaces with customers, plants, factories, etc. Typically responsible for understanding customer needs/goals and install/support of the ThinkIQ solution among other responsibilities.

Smart Equipment Library

A Library that has modeled common pieces of equipment and includes them as equipment types, built with the necessary smarts to do material movement detection. 

Source Account

The material account from which materials moved out of. It designates the end of a Feed Chain.

South Service

Responsible for connecting to and getting data from data sources such as historian databases or OPC UA servers.

Static Attribute

An attribute for which the value rarely changes. For example, the capacity of a storage tank.