The ThinkIQ platform offers a rich set of options for folks that want to write code and build stuff around their digital twins. This includes full access to model and time-series data, as well as the ability to create your own pages, reports, or dashboards. Developers can access ThinkIQ data from within the platform using an embedded IDE, or remotely through a feature rich GraphQL API.

ThinkIQ's internal IDE allows you to write code in SQL, Python, or PHP (which gets us HTML, JS, and CSS) - each of which includes their own SDK, making model access very straight forward. Scripts can be stored in dedicated libraries, or tied directly against elements in the model. The default library that ships with every ThinkIQ instance contains dozens of sample scripts covering many use cases in each of the supported programming languages.

Let's take a look at a few use cases:

Triggered Script Execution and Digital Contracts

Scripts can be set to run automatically at predefined intervals, for instance once every 5 minutes. We would recommend SQL scripts for high-performance data wrestling tasks. If your application involves statistics and utilizes ML or AI libraries, you are most likely going to use Python. Accessing external data sources, such as web API's or ftp sites, or sending notifications is typically covered using PHP. Scripts that run on a timer utilize a highly performant headless mode.

All scripts are aware of their host, i.e. they know which equipment or library they belong to. Combining that with autonomous execution triggered by certain events or at a certain time, basically fulfills the promise of a digital contract.

Building Custom Pages and Dashboards

Scripts can be setup to target the browser, i.e. you can generate web pages. There are two powerful aids for building custom pages: reusable components and a rich PHP SDK. Components include trend charts, model browsers, attribute pickers, feature-rich grid views, and more. The ThinkIQ platform uses Vue.js extensively, so the components are Vue components. The PHP SDK makes accessing the model and retrieving data very easy. Browser scripts can be previewed, and generated URL's can be easily embedded into the platform's menu system.

Interoperability and External Applications

The ThinkIQ platform includes the ability to register external applications and grant them access to model data via the GraphQL API. The registration process lets you create Authenticators which provide external applications with JWT access tokens. Accessing the ThinkIQ platform remotely through the GraphQL API allows developers to build rich companion applications, such as dedicated mobile applications, plugins for spreadsheet applications, or cloud based supply chain tools. External applications can be developed in any programing language and executed from any desktop or cloud environment.