
Once you start developing custom content and take advantage of the powerful scripting, notification, and scheduling engine - you'll have scripts everywhere.

We thought it would be nice to expose just scripts in an easier way and be able to click to get them loaded in the mini-ide.


The Script Explorer is a custom component that lets you explore and access scripts accross your complete model, image below.

Script Explorer


To install the extension you need access to the administrator section of your CMS:

  1. Grab the zip file below and drag it into the Extensions->Manage->Install page.
  2. Access the Script Explorer by browsing to ...
  3. Even better, create a menu link.

Download extension package here:

Under the Hood

The GraphQL query to retrieve scripts looks like this:

query getScripts{
    things(condition: { systemType: "script" }) {
        partOf {


  • as is - this page is quiet helpful, but it wants to have a search feature.
  • in it's current version, the GraphQL api does not expose the scripts table.
    If it did, we could filter the whole page down to scripts by type - that would be neat.