Model Editor [12-14-2021]
- Users can now select a row that has just been edited by clicking on it
- Improved Linear interpolation: Attributes employing linear interpolations now hold their value until the expiration interval has elapsed.
As an example, on an attribute:
Set the interpolation method to ‘Linear’
The expiration interval to ‘1 minute’
Data comes in at 12:00, and then not again until 12:05 (5 minutes later)
The averaging function will assume that the value that came in at 12:00 is valid until 12:01 (the expiration interval of 1 minute)
- Strings that look like numbers are returned as numbers
- Changes to an attribute on an Equipment Type or Attribute Type now propagate to all derived instances or types
- Examples:
- Adding Limits to an Equipment Type adds limits to all instances of the Type
- Editing an existing attribute on an Equipment Type (such as an expression) now propagates to all instances of the Type
- Examples:
- Changes to an attribute on an Equipment Type or Attribute Type now propagate to all derived instances or types