User Groups are collections of users who perform the same tasks on the platform. User Groups are hierarchical: if a user is in a group that is a child of another group, all rights of the parent propagate to the child. 

In the following diagram, anyone in the Engineers group automatically has access to all resources that the Registered group and the Operators group has, plus any access that is specific to Engineers.

Note: This marker:  indicates indentations in the hierarchy above.

The platform has the following built-in User Groups:

  • Public – a system default, it is assigned to the Home Page. User login is required to access any other menu items.
  • Guest – a system default, it exists for users who can browse a site but not be logged in. It is not assigned
  • Registered - This user is someone who wishes to get to know ThinkIQ, understand the Physical Model, run Trends. This is almost always a view-only role. All new self-registered users are automatically assigned to this group.
  • Operators – Operators are a class of user who might perform Manual Data Entry on the system.
  • Engineers – Engineers are Power Users of the Front End of the System:  they Configure the Physical model, Create Scripts, Use Data Science and can create Power BI reports, View the System Health reports, Component Versions
  • Site Administrators - This user operates primarily in the Back End of the system:  
  • Administers site users activates users and assigns them to Groups
  • Configures settings for Components
  • Can configure menu system access, but not install components
  • Create user content such as Articles, news feeds, new menu items
  • On the Front EndSite Administrators can view Component Versions, System Health Report
  • Configuration – People in this group configure the system: Create Connectors, do Data Backfills
  • TIQAdmins – This user is a ThinkIQ Administrator.
  • Super User – a system default, the Super User has total control over the site, including detailed settings about how the site is configured, where log files are located, and the permissions that are set on all Access Levels on the site.

The number of Users in a specific User Group is illustrated by the green check column to the right of the page.  (The red cross box shows non-activated users for a group.):

Click on the green number to see which users are in User Group: